MM Q&A: One-sided Emotional Relationships

Question: "Can an affair of the heart be one-sided?"

Answer: Yes. People who have one-sided affairs of the heart constantly think about a person to whom they are not married, but may never outwardly act upon their feelings for that person. Such one-way affairs often begin as casual friendships or develop from spending substantial time together at work or in other common settings. This can happen to…
– A single person with someone married or single
– A married person with someone single or married

TV shows, movies, music, romance novels, celebrity affairs, reality and talk shows easily influence the person whose self-control or will power is weak and whose life is legislated by a need to feel loved, significant, or secure.

With regular contact and increased knowledge comes a growing secret attraction which can lead to infatuation and fantasizing. Before long, the mind of the person engaged in this emotional charade is playing romantic reruns in their own mind unknown to the other person. The infatuated person rationalizes: No harm, no foul. It’s okay to feel this way because no one is getting hurt.

Not true. The one hurt is the one silently unaware of the emotional affair, suffering the loss of attention and affection that’s rightfully theirs. Eventually the fantasy fades as disillusionment, discontentment, and disappointment set in.

This is a serious situation. The Bible says…

“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
(PROVERBS 14:12)

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