Question: "I've been pulled into an affair with a woman I once dated. We were both promiscuous then, but I hate the deception now. Why would this woman from my past devalue my marriage now?"
Answer: Be aware of your wording. The “blame game” is powerfully effective in shifting blame to someone else but it leaves you feeling powerless and unable to take control of the situation and change it. In truth, you know right from wrong. No one can “pull” anyone back into an affair without the person’s permission and cooperation.
The bigger and more appropriate questions for you to answer are:
– Why do you think you decided to walk back into this dangerous relationship and totally ignore the knowledge you possess?
– Why are you now blaming her rather than taking personal responsibility for your own volitional choices?
– Why did you devalue your own marriage by choosing to ignore the warning signs from the past?
– What is keeping you from getting out immediately, slamming the door, and never looking back?
Consider this powerful warning:
“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”
(HEBREWS 13:4)