MM Q&A: When You’re Concerned

Question: "Is it wrong to try to find out whether or not my spouse is being unfaithful? If it's not wrong, what is the best way to do so?"

Answer: It’s not wrong to search out and confirm the truth. Truth sets us free to make wise choices regarding the future.

When a question of infidelity arises…

The first approach is to confront your marriage partner with specific concerns.

Afterward, if you are still unsettled in your spirit, pray about taking other approaches that have been used successfully, such as:
– Speak with a close friend, a coworker, or a discerning family member of the spouse, specifically asking if they are aware of any romantic involvement outside the marriage.
– Hire a private investigator.

Before you do anything, pray and ask God to lead you down the path of His choosing and to reveal the truth to you.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,’This is the way; walk in it.”
(ISAIAH 30:21)

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