Question: "I find myself attracted to someone other than my spouse. What can I do to ensure that I will be faithful?"
Answer: At the very moment your eyes, thoughts, or emotions start turning from your spouse to someone else, redirect your mind and emotions back to your mate. Think about the purpose of guardrails on mountain roads. They serve as constraints that compel us to stay on the proven path and to safely navigate potentially perilous twists and turns. They keep us from plunging off the road to destruction below.
In the same way, guarding your heart, mind, and emotions with the help of godly friends or counselors to hold you accountable can keep you from plunging headlong into an adulterous affair.
When facing this kind of temptation, predetermine now to make the conscious choice then to:
– Redirect your mind back to your spouse
– Recommit your heart back to your spouse
– Resubmit your emotions to the Lord
Then, as an act of your will, fix your gaze, your mind, and your heart on the Lord as you pray:
“25 – Lord, I refuse to let my eyes, my mind, and my emotions get off course. I choose to guard all three. I will focus on being faithful to my marriage commitment, my spouse, and my Savior. In your strength I pray, Amen. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 26 – Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. 27 – Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”
(PROVERBS 4:25-27)