MM Q&A: When You’re Concerned
Question: “Is it wrong to try to find out whether or not my spouse is being unfaithful? If it’s not wrong, what is the best way to do so?” Answer: It’s not wrong to search out and confirm the truth.…
Question: “Is it wrong to try to find out whether or not my spouse is being unfaithful? If it’s not wrong, what is the best way to do so?” Answer: It’s not wrong to search out and confirm the truth.…
Question: “I’ve been pulled into an affair with a woman I once dated. We were both promiscuous then, but I hate the deception now. Why would this woman from my past devalue my marriage now?” Answer: Be aware of your…
Question: “What commonly characterizes those who get involved in adultery?” Answer: The lying lure of adultery is subtle. It begins slowly by laying a foundation in the heart and mind based on dissatisfaction and selfishness, then quickly deepens in danger.…
Question: “What can I do about my husband spending a great deal of money on a girlfriend he is living with and incurring large amounts of debt?” Answer: Laws vary from state-to-state and country-to-country regarding how a spouse can protect…
Question: “My husband is my life, yet he is involved in an adulterous relationship. I am consumed with pain and unable to read the Bible or pray. How can I reconnect with God mentally and emotionally? I need Him desperately.”…
Question: “Can an affair of the heart be one-sided?” Answer: Yes. People who have one-sided affairs of the heart constantly think about a person to whom they are not married, but may never outwardly act upon their feelings for that…
Question: “My husband has had numerous affairs and now wants to reconcile. Should we get back together?” Answer: Ask yourself this question: What would make me think I can trust him now when I couldn’t trust him in the past?…
Question: “How should I pray for my husband who has left me and is involved in an adulterous relationship?” Answer: Your husband needs to feel heavy conviction so that he will walk away from his unfaithful lifestyle. During this time…
Question: “I find myself attracted to someone other than my spouse. What can I do to ensure that I will be faithful?” Answer: At the very moment your eyes, thoughts, or emotions start turning from your spouse to someone else,…