God's Plan For You

Marriage, According To the Beginning...

The Bible’s teaching on divorce cannot be understood apart from its teaching on marriage. 

In Genesis 2:21-23 we read that God created first Adam and then Eve, putting them together in a wonderful union. 

Upon meeting his wife, awestruck Adam proclaimed, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ 

Genesis 2 Verse 24 continues, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become ‘one Flesh.’

Marriage was God's plan, not man's.

In the deepest sense, every couple that has ever been married participates in a union established by the Creator Himself.

Marriage, therefore, is a divine institution.

From the beginning, God intended monogamous, lifelong marriage to be the only pattern of union between men and women. ‘Joined to his wife’ carries the idea of firm, permanent attachment, as in gluing. In marriage, a man and woman are so closely joined that they become ‘one flesh.’ 

God brings them together in a unique physical and spiritual bond that reaches to the very depths of their souls. Marriage is the welding of two people together into one unit, the blending of two minds, two wills, two sets of emotions, and two spirits. 

They are not two anymore: From a divine perception, a man and his wife are one, and one is an indivisible number. The Lord intends for that bond to be indissoluble as long as both partners are alive.

The goal is a perfect oneness, both in the intimacy of the physical and in the intimacy of the spiritual. Marriage is a sharing of those things in life that cannot be shared with any other human being. 

God created sex and procreation to be the physical expression of that oneness. If there is only the sexual union, however, and not a oneness of spirit through the commitment of marriage, then the physical act is meaningless, self-centered, and exploitative. Adam and Eve were created to enjoy a blissful, loving, and caring relationship as husband and wife. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ruled together, with him as the head and her as his helper. God created man and woman equal in many ways, but He gave them clearly different roles. 

Adam’s headship was a loving, caring, understanding provision of leadership. Eve’s role was that of loving, willing submission and support. Both were totally devoted to the Lord and to each other. Theirs was a perfect, balanced, and majestic co-regency over all the earth (Genesis 1:27-28).

Biblical Reasons For Marriage