How To Meet With A Counselor

Looking for Christian help?
Look no further!

Marriage Medicines has licensed and pastured counselors to listen and provide initial guidance and resources, including an offer to pray with you.

Arrange for a free one-time consultation with a member of our Counseling Department staff by completing the form below, or by calling 1-470-969-2034. You can also email the address

Based on call volume, a member of the counseling team will return your call within 2-5 business days if you use the online request form below.

Request a Call from a

Marriage Medicines will not call another person on your behalf (e.g., your spouse or child). Please let us know if you understand this.

This consultation request is for me only – I am not making this request for anyone else.

If you are in another country, feel free to call us at 1-470-969-2034. You can also email the address Let us know where you are calling from, and request to speak with a counselor.

Stay Connected With Marriage Medicines
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Every email contains the opportunity to opt out at any time.
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consent to receive digital messages from Marriage Medicines ministry operations.

Important Notices
  • Phone consultations are kept confidential except in those few situations that licensed counselors are not legally able to do so.
  • While time windows are not a guaranteed appointment, your selection helps us target the most likely time when you will be able to take the call. Consults typically range from 20 to 40 minutes, based upon the need of a caller’s scenario.